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Research Postgraduate Programmes


Research Postgraduate Studies at HKBU

Hong Kong Baptist University offers research postgraduate (RPg) programmes at Doctoral and Master level, i.e. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil), and admits students from all over the world. HKBU also collaborates with overseas universities to offer joint/dual RPg programmes. 

RPg programmes consist of two major elements: research and coursework.  An RPg student will complete his/her coursework requirements and conduct his/her independent research under the guidance of a principal supervisor and a co-supervisor. A full-time MPhil student is expected to complete the programme in two years whereas a full-time PhD student is expected to do so in four years (for students admitted in and after academic year 2019/20).

While not compulsory, you are welcome to search for potential supervisors and their research interests via HKBU Scholars




sSchool of Business

Amongst the 1% of business schools worldwide accredited by the three leading international accreditation bodies, AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS, focusing on business education.

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sSchool of Chinese Medicine

The first School of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong. Renowned for its excellence in teaching, research and clinical services.

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sSchool of Communication

A Leading Communication School in the region.

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    (Communication Studies/ Journalism/ Interactive Media)

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sSchool of Creative Arts

Rooted in liberal arts ethos and transdisciplinary inquiries, the School of Creative Arts leverages the rich genealogy of the academies of Film, Music and Visual Arts to continue to interrogate the infinite acts of human creativity, reassess the roles of arts in our time, and invent new artistic opportunities for the future.

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aFaculty of Science

We pursue ground-breaking, high-impact and multi-disiplinary research, with the vision to identity and address grand challenges from global perspectives.

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