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The Graduate School supports the development of strategic directions and provides central administration for the University’s research efforts and postgraduate education. Your gift will support our postgraduate students and researchers to drive innovation and research excellence generating impact to the local and global communities.

If you would like to discuss how your support would make a difference, please contact us by email at

Donor Recognition

Establishment of the “Mr. Kwok Yat Wai and Madam Kwok Chung Bo Fun Graduate School Development Fund”

In appreciation of a generous donation from the Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund, a Donation Agreement Signing and Cheque Presentation Ceremony was held on 21 November 2011 at the University. The donation was designated for the establishment of the “Mr. Kwok Yat Wai and Madam Kwok Chung Bo Fun Graduate School Development Fund”, in support of the development of the Graduate School.  Officiating at the ceremony were Mr. Kwok Ka Sing and Mr. Kwok Ka Ching, representatives of the Charitable Fund, and Professor Albert S.C. Chan, JP, former President and Vice Chancellor.


Mr. Kwok Ka Sing (fifth from left) and Mr. Kwok Ka Ching (centre) presented a cheque to Professor Albert Chan

Professor Albert Chan, Mr. Kwok Ka Sing and Mr. Kwok Ka Ching signed the donation agreement

Professor Albert Chan, Mr. Kwok Ka Sing and Mr. Kwok Ka Ching signed the donation agreement