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Click here for details regarding the suspension of Online Application System for Admission to Postgraduate Studies, Application for Testimonial/Transcript and some services of BUniPort on 23 March & 30 March 2025.
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The Graduate School processes student visa application for non-local students for submission to the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Newly admitted non-local students should submit their student visa application to the University through the visa application system. The processing time is around 10-12 weeks. Returning non-local students who have been suspended from study should send the visa application documents by post to the Graduate School.  

Documents required for student visa application 

Photocopy of


  1. "Admission Offer Letter" issued by the University 
  1. Original copy of Form ID995A  (Download here)  
  1. Read the Guidebook for Entry for Study in Hong Kong before filling in the form.
  2. View sample forms for reference: Mainland / Overseas
  3. The Graduate School will not handle any dependant visa application. 
  1. Identity card of your home country
  1. Household Registration Record (居民户口簿) 

For Mainland and Taiwan residents only

  1. Travel document containing personal particulars, date of issue, date of expiry and/or details of any re-entry visa held
  1. Exit-Entry Permit for Traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macao (往來港澳通行證) (EEP) (for Mainland residents only)
  2. Visit Permit for Residents of Macao to Hong Kong SAR (澳門居民往來香港特別行政區旅遊證) (for Macao residents only)
  3. Passport (for Taiwan & Overseas residents only)
  1. Hong Kong Identity Card (if any)
  1. Travel document containing the latest arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR, and a declaration signed by the applicant who are currently staying in Hong Kong (download here
  1. Proof of applicant 's  financial support
  1. Financial documents under the name of the applicant showing that he/she will be able to support his/her study and living in Hong Kong, e.g. a clear copy of the latest bank statement or saving account passbook.

    According to past experience, around RMB100,000-150,000 (USD14,000-21,000) should be on the financial proof for a 1-year full-time programme.  However, this amount is for reference only. It is subject to the final approval of the Immigration Department of HKSAR.

  2. If the financial proof belongs to a person who will financially support you, please also provide:
    1. The relationship proof between you and that person (e.g. household registration record, birth certificate, as appropriate)
    2. An undertaking signed by that person that he/she will financially support you (Download here)
  3. Studentship recipients should state on the ID995A their monthly studentship amount.
  1. Degree certificate(s) of your undergraduate studies

For final year undergraduates on conditional offer, please upload a copy of your degree and graduation certificate(s) of your undergraduate studies (with quoted student number) to the visa application system by early July or as soon as it is available.

Important Notes

  1. Please click here to view the flowchart of student visa application.
  2. In order to register as our students, you must activate your student visa by presenting the student visa ("e-Visa") to the officer-on-duty at the Immigration Counter when you enter Hong Kong.
  3. It is required by the Immigration Department (“ImmD”) that non-local students residing in Hong Kong (such as current students) who has applied for another entry permit for study have to exit and re-enter Hong Kong (*information valid as of March 2022). All Mainland student entry permit with ImmD reference starting with "MEEN" means it is an entry permit instead of an extension label. To activate a new student visa, students should plan and arrange their trip to Hong Kong accordingly by considering the time required for the health quarantine before they commence their studies at HKBU. All non-local students should observe the latest news and comply with the quarantine measures of the HKSAR Government.