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 Welcome to Hong Kong Baptist University! This information kit gives you a walkthrough to prepare for your studies at the University. Please read the following carefully in conjunction with the admission offer letter and complete the necessary steps.

Deadline: Date Stipulated in the Offer Letter



Settle the confirmation fee (Payment Method)

Please settle the confirmation fee stated in the offer letter and keep the original receipt for record. All fees paid are non-refundable.


Upload the payment receipt and confirm your acceptance via the Online Application System

In case you have forgotten the login account, please contact the Graduate School (GS) at for assistance.



Arrange with the concerned institutions/organizations to post the required documents listed in the admission letter (i.e. official transcripts and/or English language proficiency test score) directly to the Graduate School

  • The required documents listed in the offer letter should arrive at the Graduate School (address) before the stipulated deadline, or in any case before registration.
  • If the concerned institutions/organizations no longer issue the physical transcripts, students need to send the proof of official announcement (e.g. website) and arrange the official electronic copies to be sent directly from the concerned institution(s) to
  • For students who graduated from Mainland institution(s), they may verify their transcript(s) via the China Credential Verification website and send the Verification Report to if the above official transcripts could not be provided.  

Deadline: before Registration and Orientation 




Upload a photo to the University Student Card Photo Upload System for a new student ID card

The system is only accessible after your acceptance of the offer (normally 7 working days).


Obtain a valid visa (Non-local students)

All non-local students must obtain a student visa, or other valid visas/entry permits, from the Immigration Department (ImmD) to study in Hong Kong. Please submit the application for a student visa via the University Student Visa Application System. You may click here for more information.

Important Notes: The processing time will be around 8-10 weeks and you are strongly advised to submit the student visa application as soon as you receive either a conditional or firm offer of admission.

For accompanying dependents, please refer to the ImmD's website and submit a separate application for entry permit to the Immigration Department directly.


Register for HKID card (Non-local students)

You are required to register for a Hong Kong identity (HKID) card at the Immigration Department within 30 days of arrival. Please make use of the online appointment booking system, or make an appointment via the 24-hour telephone booking system at (852) 2598 0888 for the HKID card application. For details, please visit the ImmD's website.


Arrange personal accident and medical insurance (Non-local students)

Non-local students should arrange personal accident and medical or travel insurance during the study period at the University. The cost is borne by students.

You may arrange your own insurance, or subscribe to the University’s contracted insurance plan via the Finance Office (FO). The University’s contracted insurance plan provides basic coverage on personal accidents, medical expenses (accident and sickness), hospitalization, and evacuation/repatriation. For details, please visit FO’s website (Go to “Students” and click “Insurance for Students”).


Arrange accommodation (Non-local students)

For more information, please visit the website of the Office of Student Affairs.

New students are required to join the orientation and complete the registration. For details, please click here.




Complete and return the Commencement Form, duly signed by your Principal Supervisor, Department Head and Faculty Dean, to the Graduate School within 10 days after your commencement of studies



Activate your student account (Link) and download HKBU Mobile (iOS/Android)

View demonstration for student account registration: HTML | PDF


Sign in to BUniport

After activating your student account, you will be able to sign in to the University Cyber Port System (BUniPort) with your Single Sign-On user id (SSOid) and password. Your SSOid is pre-set as your 8-digit student number. You may access the HKBU's email account, study information and library system through BUniport.
View user guide: PDF


Update personal particulars and provide your bank account information 

If you are eligible for studentship, you will be required to provide your local bank account information. It should be done within 10 days after the commencement date, or it may cause a delay in your receipt of studentship from the University.

You can update bank account information and other personal particulars in BUniPort, under “My Profile”.


Enrol in courses

Students are required to fulfill the coursework requirements under the programmes. For details, please click here.

You may register for the HKBU courses and cross-institutional courses offered by sister universities after student registration.


Submit a copy of HKID card (Non-local students)

Non-local students are required to upload a photocopy of the HKID card to the University Student Visa Application System in two months after commencement of studies

Please note that the official academic records carry your HKID number. Without such information, the University will not be able to issue any official academic records.



Tuition Fee

Tuition fee of the research postgraduate programmes for students of AY2023-24 is as follows.

Programme Tuition Fee
Full-time UGC-funded  HK$42,100 / academic year
Full-time Self-funded HK$84,200 / academic year 
Part-time Self-funded HK$42,100 / academic year
  • For regular full-time students, the tuition fee will be deducted from your monthly studentship automatically. You will receive tuition fee debit notes in electronic copy via your BUniPort account.
  • For self-funded and part-time students, you will receive your tuition debit notes in electronic copy via your BUniPort account twice a year (i.e.  in February and August). Please settle the payment (FO's Payment Instructions) by the stipulated due date or otherwise a late charge will be imposed.
  • For Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme awardees, the tuition fee for the first three years will be covered by scholarship. The tuition fee for the fourth year of study will also be waived subject to satisfactory performance.

Important Notes: Local students under UGC-funded research postgraduate programmes are eligible for tuition waiver scheme. For details, please visit the UCG's website.


Handbook for Research Postgraduate Students

You are strongly advised to study the Handbook to familiarize yourself with the general regulations, guidelines and procedures for the research postgraduate degrees. 

The University reserves the right to withdraw the admission offer under any of the following conditions:

  • if false and/or inaccurate information regarding the application is provided,
  • if the University does not receive the proof of your completion of academic and/or other credential(s) by the stipulated due date, and/or
  • if the University is unable to validate your academic and/or other credential(s) upon receipt of the documentary proof(s) specified.