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Dual Doctor of Philosophy



Study Mode Full-time

Tuition Fee HK$42,100 /year

Cut Off Date 01 Dec 2018

Dual Doctor of Philosophy


The University has been developing research collaborations with strategic partners around the world and the provision of dual PhD programme is part of our efforts. When pursuing our dual PhD programme, students are provided with the opportunities to undertake their research projects in HKBU and one of our international partners. It helps broaden their horizons and enrich their culture exposures.


Currently, the University partners with three universities to offer dual PhD programmes in Drug Discovery/Biomedical Sciences and Related Themes, namely Ohio State University (OSU), Georgia State University (GSU) and University of Technology Sydney (UTS).


Academic Qualification Requirements

Applicants should possess the following qualifications in the related fields:

  1. A master’s degree from a recognised university or comparable institution; or
  2. A bachelor’s degree with first class honours from a recognised university or comparable institution.

Language Proficiency Requirement

HKBU /Ohio State University (OSU) USA: A minimum of 79 for Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) (IBT)*. 

HKBU/Georgia State University (GSU) USA: A minimum score at 550 (PBT)/ 79 (IBT)* for TOEFL or 6.5 for International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

HKBU/University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia: A minimum of 6.5 for International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with writing ≥ 6.0

(* PBT: Paper-based Test; IBT: Internet-based Test)
The TOEFL institution code of HKBU is 9467.

Required Documents


HKID card (for local applicants) or passport/other identity document of home country (for non-local applicants)

Academic qualifications:

Degree certificate(s)/graduation diploma(s) AND transcript(s) (including the institution's grading system) for Academic Qualification(s) (in English)

Language proficiency:

A valid TOEFL/IELTS score: The minimum requirement is IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 550 (PBT)/79(IBT)

Confidential recommendation form:

Applicants are required to invite two referees to complete the Confidential Recommendation Form. Proposed supervisor(s) from HKBU and persons from non-academic background are not considered as appropriate academic referees. Upon duly completion of the Form, kindly request them to send it directly to the Graduate School within two weeks from the date you submitted your application. Referees can send back their recommendations to the Graduate School (Address) by post or email ( If you want to submit on their behalf, you have to post to us the signed forms sealed by your referees

Research proposal:

A research proposal of 3,000-4,000 words indicating your research interest


(a) GRE is required for OSU; (b) Other test results (e.g. GMAT) or other Professional Qualifications (optional)

Submit an Application

Please submit your application through our online application system. Select “Doctor of Philosophy (Dual)” under “Course” and “Drug Discovery” under “Fields of Study”. For more details on the application procedures, please visit the “Application” webpage in this website.

Application Period 

Deadline: 1 December 2018 for AY2019/20. Students must commence their studies on 1 September 2019.

  1. 以上資料僅供參考,如有更改,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,香港浸會大學保留最終決定權和解釋權。
  2. 獲取錄人士必須支付一筆不可退還的入學確認費,以確認接受香港浸會大學之取錄。入學確認費當中包括第一學期之學費及其他行政費用。