Hear from our students

from Italy
2015-16 HKPFS Awardee in Music
The HKPFS has been a true blessing for my academic career! Thanks to this scheme – and also thanks to the priceless help I received from my supervisors at HKBU – I was able to focus completely on my research. During my studies, I made my dream come true – having presented my findings in important international conferences, and won the Wai Tak Land Award for outstanding academic performance.

from UK
2014-15 HKPFS Awardee in Visual Arts
HKBU is a place where I was able to identify the expertise needed in order to supervise and facilitate my research. The Academy of Visual Arts is suitably positioned to respond to the new demands being made by the Art and Artists in Hong Kong.

from China
2014/15 HKPFS Awardee in Finance and Decision Sciences
I am grateful to my supervisors for giving me fruitful guidance in developing my research and teaching skills. I enjoy the flexibility and mobility of being a researcher, especially the opportunity to present my research work globally such as in Paris, Sydney and Lisbon. I also got hands-on teaching experience as a part-time lecturer at a local University. During the summer study at NOVA School of Business & Economics in Portugal, our group research proposal was awarded as the Best Project. I will join a local institution as a Lecturer after my graduation. I am looking forward to teaching energetic students and presenting my dissertation on assets seasonalities at Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting in Key West, Florida.

Md Shahid SARWAR
from Bangladesh
2015/16 HKPFS Awardee in Chinese Medicine
With the advance research facilities, excellent academic environment, strong faculty and quality education at HKBU, I am going to fulfill my desire to be a researcher in the field of anticancer drug research. Moreover, HKBU is an excellent platform to mingle with multi-cultural people. Over the past 1 year and 6 months, with the support of HKPFS, I got awesome opportunities to attend conferences in the USA and Denmark that will certainly flourish my research knowledge.

from Czech Republic
2015/16 HKPFS Awardee in Geography
I had the opportunity to be twice a visiting researcher at the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I was able to do my data collection there and to interact with top researchers in the field for my research findings. Besides, I spent another three months as an intern in policy research at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. These valuable experiences are crucial for my professional development.