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Click here for details regarding the suspension of Online Application System for Admission to Postgraduate Studies, Application for Testimonial/Transcript and some services of BUniPort on 23 March & 30 March 2025.
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Documents Required

Applications should be submitted online via the online application system. Applicants are also required to submit the following supporting documents along with their application:

Photocopies of 


  1. HKID card (for local applicants)
    Passport or other identity documents of home country (for non-local applicants)
  2. Degree certificate(s)/graduation diploma(s), and transcript(s)including the institution’s grading system
  3. English proficiency test results (e.g. TOEFL iBT, IELTS Academic) 


  1. Other relevant test results, if applicable (e.g. GMAT, GRE)
  2. Certificate(s) of professional qualification(s)
  3. Confidential recommendations from past/current affiliated institution
  4. Certificate(s)/supporting document(s) of scholarship(s) and prize(s)
  5. Sample(s) of research works, pulication(s), record of research experience and/or publication list

Confidential Reference

Applicants are required to provide confidential references from two referees. Proposed supervisor(s) from HKBU and persons from non-academic backgrounds are not considered as appropriate academic referees. Your referees will receive an invitation email to complete an online confidential reference for you upon your successful submission of an online application.

Application Fee

The non-refundable application fee is HK$450.

Notes to Applicants

The University does not entrust any third-party intermediary or agency to handle admissions applications and related matters. Please submit the application and fees directly to Hong Kong Baptist University.

By submitting an admission application to Hong Kong Baptist University (the “University”), a programme applicant shall be unconditionally bound by the following terms:

  1. A programme applicant shall ensure that all the information set out in his/her admission application is accurate and complete.  Any making of misrepresentation, or submission of false, fabricated, forged or misleading information or documents (including qualifications, certificates, diplomas and transcripts), in admission applications is strictly prohibited.
  2. A programme applicant acknowledges that he/she may be requested to provide the original certificate(s), official certification(s) and/or other additional supporting document(s) to the University for verification or validation of his/her academic and/or other qualification(s) or credential(s).
  3. The University reserves the right to disqualify a programme applicant from consideration for admission, withdraw the admission offer (whether it has been accepted or not), terminate the applicant’s enrolment at the University and/or take other actions at the University’s absolute discretion, under any of the following circumstances:
    (a)    any false, fabricated or forged document and/or false, inaccurate or misleading information has been provided in the application for admission; or
    (b)    the programme applicant fails to provide to the University the original certificate(s), official certification(s) and/or other additional supporting document(s) as requested by the University by the due date as specified by the University; or
    (c)    the programme applicant fails to prove his/her academic and/or other qualification(s) or credential(s) to the satisfaction of the University.
  4. The admission confirmation fee, once paid, shall be non-transferrable and non-refundable subject to the offer terms and offer conditions set out or referred to in the admission offer letter.
  5. The University also reserves the right to (a) report any instances of admission fraud or fraudulent activities to the relevant authorities and/or law enforcement bodies; and (b) implement all necessary disciplinary and legal measures where appropriate.


i All supporting documents should be submitted through the Online Application System and hard copies will not be further processed.  An acknowledgment email will be sent to the applicant upon successful submission of an application. If any further information document(s) are needed, the University will send a follow-up email directly to the applicants.

ii For information for non-local applicants, please click here.

iii For programme-specific entrance requirements, please refer to the respective Faculty's website (Programme Page) for details.

iv Upon receipt of an admission offer, applicants are required to arrange to send the official transcript(s) of the academic qualification(s) and English proficiency test result to the Graduate School directly by the awarding institution(s). HKBU graduates/students are exempted from submitting the official transcript(s) for their previous/current studies in the University.