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Click here for details regarding the suspension of Online Application System for Admission to Postgraduate Studies, Application for Testimonial/Transcript and some services of BUniPort on 23 March & 30 March 2025.
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The HKBU Graduate School supports the development of strategic directions and provides central administration for the University’s research postgraduate education.  We are committed to fostering academic and research excellence to enhance and sustain our global significance as a research-led liberal arts university and to connect with the communities in Hong Kong and beyond.  To achieve optimal results and create synergy and leverage across the University, the Graduate School performs a wide range of functions:

  • Develop and oversee University policies for research postgraduate studies for sustainable development.
  • Facilitate international, interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaborations to advance research postgraduate education.
  • Promote quality research postgraduate programmes from multiple dimensions: policy support, strategic funding, data management and new initiatives.
  • Serve as home base for the research postgraduate community in the aspects of regulations, admission, progression and graduation.
  • Support the management and ongoing review of all research postgraduate programmes to ensure their quality and consistency.