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Click here for details regarding the suspension of Online Application System for Admission to Postgraduate Studies, Application for Testimonial/Transcript and some services of BUniPort on 23 March & 30 March 2025.
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Academic Record


Transcripts serve to indicate students' status, courses taken, grades attained, and grade point averages. Please note that thesis title and supervisor information will only be shown on testimonials for Research Postgraduate students.


For students who wish to share their transcript with World Education Services (WES):


As WES has an established relationship with HKBU, students who wish to share their transcript with WES can indicate their WES reference number in their remarks in the application. The transcript will therefore NOT be sent by registered mail to WES. A fee of HK$70 for an official transcript should be submitted to the Graduate School. No courier service fee is required.


Graduates of 2020 and after can share their transcripts with WES directly through the HKBU Digital Credential System and enter as the recipient along with their WES reference number in the remarks. No fee should be paid to the Graduate School in this case.
Types of Transcripts
Official Transcript (OT) – Paper:
  • Bear the signature of the Senior Assistant Academic Registrar
  • To be placed in sealed and stamped envelopes
  • Can be sent directly to identifiable institutions upon students’ request
  • “Issued to Student” will be stamped on the sealed envelope when dispatched through students
  • For current students, you are advised not to submit the application until the grade / graduation status has been finalised.
Official Transcript (OT) – Electronic*:
  • Transcripts directly downloaded from the HKBU Digital Credential System are official and authentic.
  • Graduates can share it with an employer, an employment agency, or an educational institution directly.
*Currently, electronic version of official transcript is only available for graduates of 2020 and thereafter. It will be expanded by phase to cover other cohorts of students and graduates.
Document Sample
Application Fee and Postage
Application Fee:
Official Transcript (Paper):
HKD 70/copy (Registered mail postage included)
Official Transcript (Electronic):
Processing Time:
Official Transcript (Paper):
7 working days
Official Transcript (Electronic):
Courier Service Fee:*
Mainland China, Macau or Taiwan:
HKD 250/delivery
All other countries/regions:
HKD 400/delivery
* Transcripts will only be sent out by courier service upon your request and payment of the courier service fee.
* Delivery address shall be provided in both Chinese and English.
* Courier service is only applicable for applicants not residing in Hong Kong.
How to apply?
Official Transcript (Paper):
Online application
  • Apply HERE
  • Settle the payment via the Online VISA/Master Card/UnionPay payment system
In person
  • Submit your application via kiosks at Graduate School (AAB904, Level 9, Academic and Administration Building, Hong Kong Baptist University)
  • Make payment by Octopus, Alipay, Wechat Pay, Visa, MasterCard etc.
  • If the application is submitted and/or the transcript is to be collected by a representative, the representative has to present the following documents:
    1. his/her own HKID card/passport;
    2. an authorization letter bearing the applicant’s signature; and
    3. a copy of the applicant’s HKID card/passport.
Official Transcript (OT) – Electronic*:
Testimonials serve as a proof of study status of the postgraduate student at the University. No electronic version of testimonials is available at the moment. For Research Postgraduate students, thesis title and supervisor information are shown on testimonial.


Student who wish to apply for a testimonial to Ecctis, please type "Ecctis" on the "Remarks" on the online application form. For applicants admitted before 2013, longer processing time may be needed.
Types of Testimonials
Testimonial for Certification of Student/Graduation Status
  • Proof of study status of the postgraduate student at the University at time of application
  • Printed in a standardized template and customization or alteration is not available
Testimonial for IANG Application: (Important Notes)
  • Letter addressed directly to the Immigration Department as proof of graduation status while waiting for the Senate approval.
Testimonial for Visa Application for Overseas Attachment
  • Letter addressed directly to the Consulate General of the destined country for the purpose of visa application.
  • Only applicable to Research Postgraduate students applying visa for overseas attachment. For travel visa, please apply Certification of Student/Graduation Status if proof of student status at the University is needed.
Document Sample
Application Fee and Postage
Application Fee:
HKD 50/copy (basic postage included)
Processing Time:
7 working days (10 working days for IANG testimonial)
Courier Service Fee:*
Mainland China, Macau or Taiwan:
HKD 250/delivery
All other countries/regions:
HKD 400/delivery
* Testimonials will only be sent out by courier service upon your request and payment of the courier service fee.
* Delivery address shall be provided in both Chinese and English.
* Courier service is only applicable for applicants not residing in Hong Kong.
How to apply?
Online application
  • Click HERE to access the online application system
  • Settle the payment via the Online VISA/Master Card/UnionPay payment system
In person
  • Submit your application via kiosks at Graduate School (AAB904, Level 9, Academic and Administration Building, Hong Kong Baptist University)
  • Make payment by Octopus, Alipay, Wechat Pay, Visa, MasterCard etc.
  • If the application is submitted and/or the testimonial is to be collected by a representative, the representative has to present the following documents:
    1. his/her own HKID card/passport;
    2. an authorization letter bearing the applicant’s signature; and
    3. a copy of the applicant’s HKID card/passport.
Postgraduate students who have completed all the graduation requirement will receive Graduation Letter after the Senate has approved for graduation.
Graduation Letters serve as a proof of graduation before the issuance of Diploma.
Students * who has been approved by the Senate for graduation will receive a notification email via their HKBU email account when his/her electronic Graduation Letter (e-Graduation Letter) is available in the HKBU Digital Credential System. The graduate may then login to the HKBU Digital Credential System with his/her SSOid to download the e-Graduation Letter.
*Electronic version of Graduation Letter is only available for graduates of 2023 and thereafter.
e-Graduation Letters downloaded from HKBU Digital Credential System are official and authentic. Graduate can share the e-Graduation Letters with an employer, an employment agency, or an education institution directly.
Check the details HERE about the HKBU Digital Credential System
Diplomas of 2023 graduates are available for collection at the Graduate School according to the following Collection Schedule after students are approved for graduation by the Senate:
Graduation Approved by the Senate Collection of Diploma Collection Arrangement (Phase 1)
(Starting from 19 June to 29 Sepetember)
November 2022 - May 2023 * From 19 June onwards Graduate School AAB 904 ^
June 2023 From 30 September onwards To be updated
July - October 2023 From 30 September onwards
* The collection schedule will be different for those who chose “Date of Award to be Printed on Diploma” after May 2023.
^ Within office hours, please refer to this link for details.
  • All outstanding fees and/or loaned items with the University (e.g. tuition fees, library fines/books) must be cleared before collection of the diploma.
  • Diplomas will be retained by GS for collection up to three years starting from diploma print date. After that date, all uncollected diplomas will be confidentially disposed without any further notice. If graduates wish to get a diploma afterwards, you will need to apply for a replacement of diploma with a fee. Please click here for details.
  • Electronic diplomas directly downloaded from the HKBU Digital Credential System are official and authentic. Graduates+ can share it with an employer, an employment agency, or an educational institution directly.
Collection In Person by the Graduate
Documents required for collection of diploma
  1. HKID card/passport
Collection by an Authorized Representative
Documents required for collection of diploma
  1. HKID card/passport of the authorized representative;
  2. an authorization letter bearing the applicant’s signature; and
  3. a copy of the applicant’s HKID card/passport.
+ Currently, electronic diplomas are only available for graduates of 2021 and thereafter, excluding graduates of Taught Postgraduate joint degree programmes (i.e. MSc in Entrepreneurship and Global Marketing and MSc in Global Marketing Management programmes). It will be expanded by phase to cover other cohorts of graduates.
  • Diplomas of current year graduates are available for collection at the Graduate School.
  • Location for Collection:
    Graduate School
    Room 904, 9/F, Academic and Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus
    Office Hour: Click here for details
  • All outstanding fees and/or loaned items with the University (e.g. tuition fees, library fines/books) must be cleared before collection of the diploma.
  • Diplomas will be retained by GS for collection up to three years starting from diploma print date. After that date, all uncollected diplomas will be confidentially disposed without any further notice. If graduates wish to get a diploma afterwards, you will need to apply for a replacement of diploma with a fee. Please click here for details.
  • Electronic diplomas directly downloaded from the HKBU Digital Credential System are official and authentic. Graduates^ can share it with an employer, an employment agency, or an educational institution directly.
Collection In Person by the Graduate
Documents required for collection of diploma
  1. HKID card/passport
Collection by an Authorized Representative
Documents required for collection of diploma
  1. HKID card/passport of the authorized representative;
  2. an authorization letter bearing the applicant’s signature; and
  3. a copy of the applicant’s HKID card/passport.
^ Currently, electronic diplomas are only available for graduates of 2021 and thereafter, excluding graduates of Taught Postgraduate joint degree programmes (i.e. MSc in Entrepreneurship and Global Marketing and MSc in Global Marketing Management programmes). It will be expanded by phase to cover other cohorts of graduates.
In case of loss of diploma or damage of the original diploma, graduates can apply to the University for issuance of a replacement diploma.
Application Fee and Postage
Application Fee:
HKD 600/copy
Processing Time:
4 weeks
Courier Service Fee:*
Mainland China, Macau or Taiwan:
HKD 250/delivery
All other countries/regions:
HKD 400/delivery
* Replacement Diploma will only be sent out by courier service upon your request and payment of the courier service fee.
* Courier service is only applicable for applicants not residing in Hong Kong.
Document Sample
How to apply?
In person:
  • Complete the application form and submit your application and relevant supporting documents to Graduate School (Address: AAB904, Level 9, Academic and Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University)
  • Make payment by Octopus, Alipay, Wechat Pay, Visa, MasterCard etc.
  • If the application is submitted and/or the replacement diploma is to be collected by a representative, the representative has to present the following documents:
    1. his/her own HKID card/passport;
    2. an authorization letter bearing the applicant’s signature; and
    3. a copy of the applicant’s HKID card/passport.
By mail:
  • Complete the application form and mail your application with a completed Credit Card Payment Form and relevant supporting documents* to Graduate School (Address: AAB904, Level 9, Academic and Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong)
  • Settle payment by Visa or MasterCard (Please complete the Credit Card Payment Form on the last page of the application form and submit it with your application.)
*An application will only be processed upon receipt of relevant original supporting documents by mail.
Certified true copy of diploma is a photocopy of the original diploma in reduced size bearing the signature of the Senior Assistant Academic Registrar and the “Certified True Copy” stamp.
Application fee
Application Fee:
HKD 50/copy
How to apply?
In person:
  • Bring the original diploma to Graduate School (Address: AAB904, Level 9, Academic and Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University)
  • Make payment by Octopus, Alipay, Wechat Pay, Visa, MasterCard etc.
  • Application can be handled by a representative, no authorization letter is required
There are different ways one’s academic background can be verified, you may consider which of the following methods best suit your circumstances:
Methods of academic background verification
Who Can Apply?
Things you need to do
Processing Time
(Paper format) Transcript/ Testimonial
Who Can Apply?
Students/ Graduates
Things you need to do:
Apply your transcript or testimonial and request to send the document directly to the Employers/Employment Agencies/Institutions accordingly
- On-line Application for Testimonial/Transcript of Academic Record (Postgraduate only)

Processing Time:
7 working days
Education Verification Application System for Postgraduate Programmes (GS-EVAS)
Who Can Apply?
Employers/ Employment Agencies/ Institutions
Things you need to do:
Provide a letter of authorization to the Employers/Employment Agencies/Institutions for the release of your personal information to them

Processing Time:
7 working days
HKBU Digital Credential System*
Who Can Apply?
Things you need to do:
Share your official transcript in electronic format with the Employers/Employment Agencies/Institutions - HKBU Digital Credential System

Processing Time:
* Currently, electronic version of official transcript is only available for graduates of 2020 and thereafter. It will be expanded by phase to cover other cohorts of students and graduates.
There are different ways you can verify your candidates’ academic background, you may consider which of the following methods best suit your organization and your candidates:
Methods of academic background verification
Who Can Apply?
Things you need to do
Processing Time
(Paper format) Transcript/ Testimonial
Who Can Apply?
Students/ Graduates
Things you need to do:
Request your candidates to apply for transcripts / testimonials to be sent to you directly

Processing Time:
7 working days
Education Verification Application System for Postgraduate Programmes (GS-EVAS)
Who Can Apply?
Employers/ Employment Agencies/ Institutions
Things you need to do:
Obtain a letter of authorization for personal information release from your candidates and make a request on Education Verification Application System for Postgraduate Programmes (GS-EVAS)

Processing Time:
5-7 working days
HKBU Digital Credential System*
Who Can Apply?
Things you need to do:
Access the electronic transcript according to instruction email sent to you directly from the HKBU Digital Credential System

Processing Time:
* Currently, electronic version of official transcript is only available for graduates of 2020 and thereafter. It will be expanded by phase to cover other cohorts of students and graduates.