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Click here for details regarding the suspension of Online Application System for Admission to Postgraduate Studies, Application for Testimonial/Transcript and some services of BUniPort on 23 March & 30 March 2025.
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Current Student

Graduation (RPG)

Upon fulfillment of all stipulated requirements, students shall be recommended for conferment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy as appropriate. 

Graduate Attributes

Please click here to view the graduate attributes of the Research Postgraduate and Professional Doctoral Degree programmes.

Preparation for Graduation

  1. Students who have passed the oral examination and met all the conditions for graduation with submission of the form will receive an e-graduation letter after Senate has approved the graduation recommendation. 
  2. Graduates are requested to verify the personal data via the University Cyber Port System (BUniPort) before graduation. As your English and Chinese names in our record will be printed on your graduation diploma, you should make sure that they are identical with those on your HKID card. In case of any discrepancies, please complete the form Application Form for Student Personal Data Amendment and return it to the Graduate School immediately.
  3. Once the Senate has approved your graduation, you will not be able to update your personal data in BUniPort. However, you may still access BUniPort to view your grade report and personal data until 31 December of the year that you graduate. If there are any subsequent changes of your personal data, please inform us by email ( For verification of your identity, the request for change must be submitted together with a copy of your HKID card or student card.
  4. To allow us to transfer your personal data to the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) upon your graduation, we need your consent of data transfer via AAO can then keep you informed of the latest development of the University.

Schedule for Approval of Graduation

According to the General Regulations for the PhD/MPhil degree, students who have fulfilled the requirements of candidature, coursework and University-wide graduation requirements, submitted an acceptable thesis and satisfied their Board of Examiners shall be recommended, through the Research Postgraduate Studies Committee (RPSC) and Research Committee (RC), to the Senate for conferment of the PhD/MPhil degree. The schedule for approval of graduation is available here.

Information of the Commencement

  1. All graduates will be invited to take part in the Commencement. Detailed Information and arrangement of the event will be announced by the Academic Registry by stages.
  2. Please bookmark the webpage ( to check out the updated information of the Commencement.