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Click here for details regarding the suspension of Online Application System for Admission to Postgraduate Studies, Application for Testimonial/Transcript and some services of BUniPort on 23 March & 30 March 2025.
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Current Student


Certifying True Copy

Change of Address

Loss of Personal Property/the Original Diploma

Proof of Graduation

Application for Transcript/Testimonial

Withdrawal or Suspension of Studies

Withdrawal from Courses

Copying Services

Course Registration for Research Postgraduate Students



[Certifying True Copy]


The University does certify copies of diplomas. A fee of HK$50 will be charged for each certification. For more details, please click here (Diploma -> Certified True Copy of Diploma).

Hard copies of academic transcripts or testimonials can be issued at a fee upon request via this link, but no certification of such is available. 

Besides, through the HKBU Digital Credential System, students approved for graduation from 2020 onwards may access and share their official transcripts in electronic format with a third party such as an employer, an employment agency, or an educational institution. All digital credentials issued via the HKBU Digital Credential System can be verified at the "Digital Credential Verification" page in the System. Recipients of these digital credentials may, if they wish, obtain verification of the documents by uploading them to "Digital Credential Verification".For more details, please click here.

[Change of Address]


For current students, changes in address or telephone numbers can be made through the BUniPort.

Alternatively, if you wish to update the address for the upcoming Commencement in November, you may fill in the Form of Change of Address and return it to the Graduate School together with a copy of your HKID card or student card for verification.

Please click here for Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement of the University.


[Loss of Personal Property/the Original Diploma] 


For Lost and Found at the University, please visit here. You may find a list of the locations and telephone numbers of the Security Control Centre/Security Control Rooms there.



Yes, you can apply for replacement of a student card. Please report loss to the Graduate School by filling in the Application for Replacement of Student Card. A replacement fee of HK$100 will be charged.

Please click here for Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement of the University.




In case of loss of diploma or damage of the original diploma, graduates can apply to the University for issuance of a replacement diploma. For detailed procedures, please visit (Diploma -> Application for Replacement of Diploma).



Yes. Please visit here for details about the Lost Octopus Reporting Service by MTR.

[Proof of Graduation]


Students who have passed the oral examination and completed all the graduation requirements will receive a graduation letter after the Senate has approved the graduation recommendation. If you need further documentation, you may apply for a copy of testimonial here.

[Application for Transcript/Testimonial]


Please visit here (Official Transcript/ Testimonial) for the application procedures.



If you are a current student of the University; or you have graduated or officially withdrawn from the institution, you can apply for a transcript/testimonial. You may visit here (Official Transcript/ Testimonial) for the application procedures.



You have to apply for an official withdrawal first should you wish to apply for a copy of transcript/testimonial. Please click here for the application form.



Yes. If the application is submitted and/or the transcript/testimonial is to be collected by a representative, the representative has to present the following documents: his/her own HKID card/passport; an authorization letter bearing the applicant’s signature; and a copy of the applicant’s HKID card/passport. 

Please visit for detailed procedures.



Official Transcript (Paper) - 7 working days

Official Transcript (Electronic)* - Immediate

*Currently, electronic version of official transcript is only available for graduates of 2020 and thereafter. It will be expanded by phase to cover other cohorts of students and graduates.

Testimonial - 7 working days (10 working days for IANG testimonial)

For details, please click here.



Please inform the Graduate School of your withdrawal and complete necessary clearance procedures. If you fail to do so, you will be considered as having unofficially withdrawn from the University. No official documents will be issued to such students, and they will not be re-admitted under this status.

For Application Form for Official Withdrawal, please click here. You may find here the Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement of the University.



Yes. You can apply in writing to the Graduate School. Upon approval of your application and receipt of your payment, your status will be changed to “Officially Withdrawn”. Please click here for the application form. 



A student may be granted suspension of study in case of health problems, financial difficulties, or urgent family affairs. A student may be permitted to suspend his/her study for a period of up to two semesters.



If you wish to apply for suspension of study, you have to apply in writing to our office and submit together with all the supporting documents. Your application should be submitted no later than four weeks before the commencement of the semester final examination.

[Withdrawal from Courses]


If you are suffering from physical or academic problems and wish to withdraw from an enrolled course but the add/drop deadline has passed, you can still apply for course withdrawal by completing this form. It must be submitted to the Graduate School four weeks before the commencement of the semester final examination.

Please click here for Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement of the University.



[Course Registration for Research Postgraduate Students]


If you wish to take courses at the University to fulfill coursework requirements or for interest, please complete the Application for Course Add/ Drop/ Withdrawal (For Research Postgraduate Students Only) for registration of courses. Please click here for more details about course registration.

If you wish to take courses at other local institutions, please click here for more information about the Cross-institutional Course Enrolment Scheme.