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Doctor of Philosophy / Master of Philosophy (Department of Chemistry)


Study Mode Full-time / Part-time

Tuition Fee HK$42,100/year / HK$84,200/year

Cut Off Date 15 Apr 2025

Year of Entry 2025 September

Funding NatureUG/RG-funded

Tuition FeeHK$42,100/year (UGC-funded)
HK$84,200/year (Full-time Self-funded)
HK$42,100/year (Part-time Self-funded)


Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy


Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

We invite candidates from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, with evidence of academic excellence, research ability and potential, and good communication, interpersonal and leadership abilities to apply for full-time PhD study under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS). HKPFS is established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) with an aim to attract the best and brightest students from all over the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong. Applicants for admission to our PhD programmes via HKPFS will concurrently be considered for our regular research postgraduate programmes.

To learn more about the details, please click here.


Important Application Dates for Academic Year 2025/26

  Regular Research Postgraduate Programmes Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
Application Start Date 1 September 2024 1 September 2024
Regular Round Deadline 1 December 2024 1 December 2024
Clearing Round Deadline 15 April 2025 -

Since the admission offers are highly competitive and subject to quota availability, applicants are strongly advised to familiarise themselves with the application details at the following links and make applications as early as possible.  

Regular Research Postgraduate Programmes
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme


Contacts (852) 3411 8206

Analytical Chemistry; Bioinorganic/Biophysical Chemistry; Biological Chemistry; Biosensor; Chemical Instrumentation; Chemosensor; Chinese Herbs; Computational Chemistry; Coordination Chemistry; Electroanalytical Chemistry; Environmental Chemistry; Food Analysis and Safety; Heterogeneous Catalysts; Inorganic Chemistry; Mass Spectrometry; Material Design and Synthesis; Microfludic Technology; Nanosciences; Organic Electronics; Organic Synthesis; Organometallic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry; Supramolecular Chemistry

  1. 以上資料僅供參考,如有更改,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,香港浸會大學保留最終決定權和解釋權。
  2. 獲取錄人士必須支付一筆不可退還的入學確認費,以確認接受香港浸會大學之取錄。入學確認費當中包括第一學期之學費及其他行政費用。